Checking the Rear View Mirror

>> Tuesday, February 8, 2011

Several years ago, I was rear-ended as I waited to turn left into our home street. There were no cars behind me when I stopped, but checking in my rear view mirror, I could see one coming several blocks back. That car never even slowed down. Now, I have trouble sitting on a street, waiting to turn left. I am checking my rear view mirror as much as I am watching the traffic going the other way, looking for a break to get through.

Sometimes life is like that. We’ve been hurt in the past, so we spend as much time looking at the past as we do looking to the future. The chances of another car deciding to just run into me from the rear are rather slim (I’m counting on that). And if we learn from past hurts and don’t allow ourselves to get in those situations, the chances are slim we will be hurt like that again. The future stretches out before us.

Are you living life looking in your rear view mirror?


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