Reflection and Renewal

>> Sunday, June 14, 2020

Arrangements had been made for me to fly from Washington to Texas for my brother’s funeral.  When the ticket was purchased, the term coronavirus had just begun floating around.  As the time neared for my trip, I was concerned it might be canceled.  Our world was infected.  But all went as planned.  

Upon my return home, I was soon made aware of the plight my state was in.  Deaths were already occurring.  That’s when I understood I could possibly be infected.  I had no clue who I had been around that might have been contagious, so I put myself in quarantine for 14 days.  

After the intense time I had just experienced, a time of solitude did not seem unduly harsh.  

Emails, texts and Facebook were full of people expressing their frustrations and sense of isolation.  Others talked of how they were eating everything they could find.  Tempers flared.  Accusations raged.  

Yet I felt none of that. 

I established a weight-loss goal.  I filled my days with praise music, writing, reading and exercising.  When I wanted a change in activity, I turned the music off and listened to podcasts while I worked a jigsaw puzzle.  And I spent time on the patio meditating and journaling. 

Each day I placed a thermometer on my temple to see if I had that symptom.  Nope.  

Regularly throughout the day, I paused to give God thanks for watching over me.  I set an alarm on my iPhone to pray once a day for the President and our government, our leaders and country.  I asked God to bring a revival…to cause the people of our United States to turn their hearts toward Him.  When I laid my head on the pillow at bedtime, I fell asleep talking to God.  

At the end of 14 days, I remained symptom free.  And I had lost two pounds toward my weight-loss goal.  

By then we had been given the “stay at home” order.  Some people were in a panic mode.  Others just seemed to spew hate at the governing officials who were taking away their freedoms.  I abided in peace.  

My time of renewal had just been expanded.  

I lost another three pounds.  I put the finishing touches on my third book and sent it to the publisher.  I became familiar with the term “streaming.”  My daughter, who lives three time zones away, and I attended church together.  We took notes and discussed the sermon.  I relished my quiet time.  God and I talked a lot.  

And then the perfect storm materialized with a knee on the neck of a black man.  Virus and riots…deaths from Covid-19…deaths from shootings…lootings and vandalism.  Businesses that were already shut because of the stay at home order were destroyed by those who weren’t staying at home, intent on revenge.  

Our world exploded.  

In the three weeks since then, I’ve watched the news in horror.  Beautiful cities devastated.  Out-of-control mobs attacking anyone and anything in their path. And due to Covid-19, elderly loved ones dying alone.  

Our nation will never be the same.  

In a time like this, I’m so grateful for my peace.  If I allowed my focus to be on the turmoil whirling around me, I could become depressed and suicidal.  But God is still in control.  All of this havoc has not been a surprise to Him.  

He is still the Prince of Peace.  

My heart goes out to those who are suffering; perhaps the loss of a loved one or maybe just due to the isolation.  But this season can be used as a time of growth for the Christ-follower.  So many of the distractions and interferences have been removed.  For me, because of the solitude, I have experienced a deeper level of peace.  

We don’t know the end result of all the chaos.  But we do know where the Shelter is as we ride out the storm.  

“I would hurry to my place of Shelter, far from the tempest and storm.”  Psalm 55:8 (NIV)


Bob Marsh June 14, 2020 at 6:21 PM  

Very thought provoking message, Joy!
Thank you for sharing!

The best is yet to come.
Enter into His Rest!

shepstop June 15, 2020 at 4:54 AM  

Great message! So we’ll said.

Unknown June 15, 2020 at 10:06 AM  

Thankyou for this uplifting message. Well needed at this point and time for all that is going on in our country and world.

Joy Bach June 15, 2020 at 11:43 AM  

Thanks so much for your comment.

Unknown June 18, 2020 at 6:20 PM  

Very insightful.....and thought-provoking. Glad you are doing well.

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