Do You Trust?
>> Thursday, June 21, 2012
Perfect weather … 70’s … no wind … contrails from passing
airplanes marking a giant tic-tac-toe game on the large blue canvas overhead.
And the forecast was for the same tomorrow … and the next day … and the next.
Perfect for motorcycle riding.

My husband, John, and I arrived at the motorcycle rally Thursday afternoon … me in my car (loaded to the gills with our motorcycle club’s stuff) … and him on his fairly new motorcycle. We were both looking forward to the next two days. He would be going on group rides each day … and I would be reading and relaxing.
Friday morning … and they all geared up … ready to head out.
John’s motorcycle wouldn’t start. With several hundred motorcycle riders in
attendance, he received a lot of advice on what was wrong.
Long story short, his bike was placed on a towing truck and
hauled to the nearest BMW dealer … Boise ,
Idaho . He and I spent the day
together. The call came about 5:30 that it was repaired and he could pick it up
tomorrow. No problem. That was just a four hour drive away.
We headed out at 5:00 on Saturday morning. By noon Boise time we were ready
to head back … me driving and him on his motorcycle. Arriving back at the rally
at 3:00, that day was pretty much gone.
Sunday morning there was a stir of activity as we all took
down tents, rolled up sleeping bags and emptied the coolers. One problem.
John’s motorcycle wouldn’t start. We did the same drill … same towing company …
hauled to the same dealer in Boise
… and adjustments had to be made in what I was taking in my car. I now had to make
room for John.
Motorcycle riders … especially those with off-road
motorcycles like John’s … go into the back country where there is usually no
cell phone service. They need to be able to trust their bike is going to start.
Trust. Right now we aren’t too sure about the reliability of his motorcycle.
But there is Someone who is always trustworthy. No matter
what journeys our lives take us on, the trust is never broken. He is there when
we need Him … every time.
“God's a safe-house for the battered, a
sanctuary during bad times. The moment you arrive, you relax; you're never
sorry you knocked.” Psalm 9:9-10 (MSG)
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