Alone or Lonely

>> Monday, June 11, 2018

Since the passing of my husband, I have been surrounded by a strong support group. I knew if I needed anything, all I had to do was ask. That has been such a comfort. But there is one issue I have repeatedly tried to explain. Some get it, and some don’t. 

There is a difference between alone and lonely. 

Alone: having no one else present; on one’s own

Lonely: sad because one has no friends or company; without companions

I am alone.

More than one well-meaning friend has taken me to lunch with an agenda on their mind; find me someone so I won’t be lonely. has even been suggested. When I explain I’m not lonely, they cannot comprehend I’m telling the truth. Of course, I’m lonely, they say. My husband is gone. 

Even after three years, grief sometimes still hits me out of the blue. A song, a thought or a date can trigger the flowing of tears. But that is temporary. Soon music is playing and I’m singing along. I am not sad. I sleep soundly at night. I look forward to my future. 

I miss my beloved. That is only natural. But that doesn’t mean I want him replaced. 

I’ve asked a few of my matchmakers if they were happy. I receive various answers; we take wonderful trips and he helps fix things around the house. But so far, when asked if they were happy I have not received a yes answer. 

I’ll keep my alone status. And I’m very happy and blessed. 

“The nights of crying your eyes out give way to days of laughter.” Psalm 30:5 (MSG)


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