Guest Writer Jan Ackerson

>> Friday, November 4, 2016

I first met Jan Ackerson years ago at a Faithwriter’s Conference in Livonia, Michigan. I was a novice and she was the guru. During a private critique of my work, she spoke softly and gently defused my anxiety. I left that session with confidence that I could, indeed, some day be a writer.

Below is one of the stories featured in her new book. Each story is exactly 100 words in length, yet encompasses a complete tiny story.


There was still one basket left to hang on the clothesline, and Michelle’s arms ached. She was reaching for a pair of jeans when the ground started to rumble. Earthquake, she thought, and she knelt and placed her palms on the ground as if to stop it.

It was not an earthquake. Dozens—perhaps hundreds—of motorcycles came roaring past her yard, many with two riders, women with their arms loosely wrapped around the drivers’ waists. Some of the motorcyclists waved.

Michelle didn’t really want to go with them—but she wanted to be the type of girl who would.


If you enjoy tiny little stories like this, you can find 366 of them in
Stolen Postcards, available here: offreairpr- 20&camp=1789&creative=9325&linkCode=as2&creativeASIN=1922135399&linkId=ca1b70eb 7d88fc4aaa1b9678a29556b7

You can also read new 100-words stories on Mondays and Fridays on my blog:

Follow me on Twitter: @janackerson1

Or on Instagram: janackerson


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