Life in the Salt Shaker
>> Monday, September 5, 2011
Regularly the pews would be full … Sunday morning … Sunday evening … Wednesday night prayer meeting … and then every evening all week when it was revival time. The saints would gather, nodding at each other as they took their assigned seats. Some shouting would be heard … some fingers pointed … as the worshipers expressed their agreement with the words being spoken.
Then they all went home and waited for the next time to come together.

Even as I lived in this secluded world, it didn’t seem right. Yet I carried on the tradition of exclusivity until I was in my 30’s. As I studied the Bible for myself …instead of being told what to believe … I came across a scripture that made my heart say ah ha.

Sounds to me like we’re supposed to do more than just go to church.
This morning as I listened to Chuck Swindoll , he said something that connected with me. “If your whole life revolves around church activities and Christians, you’re living a more sheltered life than is good for you or for the world.” That’s it. As a Christ-follower I’m supposed to be good for the world. I can’t do that if I live my life in the salt shaker.

"In a word, what I'm saying is, Grow up. You're kingdom subjects. Now live like it. Live out your God-created identity. Live generously and graciously toward others, the way God lives toward you." Matthew 5:48 (MSG)
"Have you ever over-salted something? Then you know that destroys the enjoyment of eating that food. Just a little salt … when needed … does the job."
This is SO true and I've never thought about it this context. Awesome!
Thanks Rita. Chuck S triggered this one.
Great thoughts...and some I've had myself.
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