Could We Do More?

>> Thursday, November 25, 2010

I took the day before Thanksgiving off from work. The weather outside was not delightful, although the snow was pretty to look at. I still needed to go to the grocery store, but thought I would wait until the temperature climbed above 4. So I settled down with some tea and the newspaper.

The name at the top of the obituary page caught my attention. She was only 47. And I knew her name well. She had been an employee of ours.

As I sat there … shocked … my thoughts whirled.

Had we done everything we could to help her? Could we have done more? Due to health problems, she had to quit working. But that had been several years ago. Gradually, over the years, we had lost touch.

And now it was too late.

As I pondered what our actions had been, I remembered the times we had been to the hospital to visit her, the trips to her home, helping with meals and giving hugs. We had many long talks.

The time for talking was over.

Life is like that. We never know whose name may be in the obituaries. Is there someone you need to call … or go visit?


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