Overflowing Life River
>> Monday, April 4, 2011
On the 4th of March my husband and I sat down to relax and watch a little television. Since most of the time, television seems to be a waste of time, I always have a project nearby to knit or crochet. So I reached for the yarn and crochet hook to begin a baby afghan for a friend of my oldest daughter.
The 7th was when we received news of an unexpected death in our church family. My thoughts were with that family while my hands were busy getting ready for a party to celebrate the first anniversary of living in our new home. As an added bonus, some friends from out of town were coming to the party and to spend the weekend, since they had never seen our home.
On the 14th and 15th, in between my job and cleaning up after the party and guests, along with attending choir practice, I packed my suitcase. Early the morning of the 16th I flew to Los Angeles to visit my oldest daughter and son-in-law who live in Pasadena . They had a special party planned that evening at a restaurant so I could meet some of their friends. The next day we got to visit the Griffith Observatory … laying back in chairs and watching the heavens above us.
The 18th was a day that had been almost 16 years in arriving. My daughter drove us to San Bernardino to pick up my almost 18-year old grandson … whom I had not seen since he was two. We had a delightful afternoon visiting my daughter’s place of employment where they have a camp area with animals.
On the 20th, my flight home was to leave at 4:24. As we drove to the airport, it was blowing so hard the palm trees were dropping their fronds. The windshield wipers could not keep up with the driving rain.
My flight was delayed … and then delayed again. I began to wonder if I would make my connection in Salt Lake City . Finally we boarded. I landed in Salt Lake City at 8:00 pm on Concourse B. The flight I needed to catch was Concourse E at 8:10. I ran through the airport, arriving at the gate just as the plane departed. However, there was one more flight … at 9:45. It would be a late night.
More work and choir practice and life was beginning to slow down a little. Then on the 31st, my cupboards for above my desk in my office were put up. My plans were to work on getting my office organized that evening.
Side note: my husband is allergic to dogs, so even though we had really wanted one, the kind he could be around … labradoodles … were just too expensive. So we were dogless.
On the 31st, an employee at our business came to work with a clipping from a newspaper. A three-year old labradoodle was for sale … and within our budget. So no organizing in my office was done that evening. We drove to the dog and my husband rubbed his face in the dog’s coat … and then we returned home. No reactions. We drove back and bought the dog named Charlie.
On the 1st of April, I had to go to work early to train a co-worker how to do payroll, my husband and a friend left for Spokane and Charlie was left at home to wonder what hit him. My husband’s trip was to look for and hopefully purchase a new motorcycle. Yes, we already had one in the garage, but there seems to be no limit on how many motorcycles you might need.
And so, on the 2nd of April, we had a small get-together to introduce our new dog and motorcycle.
Another side note: the afghan was completed and mailed on March 31st.
"This is what I want you to do: Ask the Father for whatever is in keeping with the things I've revealed to you. Ask in my name, according to my will, and he'll most certainly give it to you. Your joy will be a river overflowing its banks!” John 16:23-24 (MSG)
Sounds like a fun time that flew by too quickly with your family. Cute dog, and I'm glad you could get Charlie. Enjoyed reading this. BJ
Thank you so much for your comments, B. J. Yes it went way too quickly.
Such a "in like a lion" month of March! Good times and knitting together - love the dog!
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