Pattern Interrupt
>> Tuesday, April 19, 2011

With the advent of the dog, it is now my husband’s job to put him outside first thing. Then we head for the closet to dress for the gym. Odd thing is, we take separate cars. I return home while he goes to Starbucks. That makes it my job to bring the dog in and feed him.
I just described what is known as a routine. I could go through the day explaining our habits. No need.
Today I’m writing about pattern interrupt.
Life is just too important to be relegated to a routine. Yes, we all need to be organized enough to function in our world. Our employer expects us to show up at our appointed time. As parents, we have responsibilities that cannot be ignored. Our home and yard need upkeep. We all have duties.
But sometimes it is important to take a pattern interrupt where nothing is the same. Stepping away from the routine refreshes our soul and revives our spirit. Spending time with my husband … and just him alone … is a needful thing in my life.
Pattern interrupts do not have to be expensive. Pile your kids in the car; put some food in a sack and go down to the river to eat. When I was a single mom with three kids, I couldn’t afford a vacation. But I saved enough money to take them from Nampa , Idaho to Boise , Idaho (approximately 22 miles) to spend one night at the Holidome where we got free breakfast and could swim in the enclosed pool.
And now back to my pattern interrupt.
“Then Jesus said, “Let’s go off by ourselves to a quiet place and rest awhile.” He said this because there were so many people coming and going that Jesus and his apostles didn’t even have time to eat.” Mark (NLT)
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