My Independence Day

>> Monday, July 4, 2011

In the 18th century, our country was at war … a war called the American Revolution (1775-1783). Thirteen colonies wanted their independence from Great Britain. Because our forefathers desired to be free they adopted a historic document called the Declaration of Independence, which is considered to be the founding document of the United States. Americans celebrate Independence Day on July 4th, which is the date in 1776 that the Declaration was adopted. John Hancock is the only person to sign it on that day. Thomas Jefferson is the author of the Declaration.

Independence did not come easily. Lives were lost and hardships were endured. But today, we are no longer under the rule of Britain, thanks to our courageous forefathers.

As I pondered our Independence Day celebrations, my thoughts turned to my personal Independence Day. I didn’t decide to fight for it. I was just suddenly in a battle that I didn’t even understand. And just as the American Revolution lasted a few years, my personal battle did too.

I had enemies I had never been aware of. They looked like friends and family. I had lived under their rule my whole life and did not realize that I could escape. Therefore, I never tried. But one day, lying in a hospital bed, I reached an epiphany. My life did not have to be this way … ill and beaten down. Winning my war with me did not come easily. There were casualties along the way, as those friends and family did not care for the changes. My church kicked me out.

But there is a Book that is full of words declaring my independence. It wasn’t written by Thomas Jefferson. The author of my Declaration of Independence is God, and it was signed by Jesus. He removed my chains of slavery and set me free.

I should light fireworks every day.

"If you stick with this, living out what I tell you, you are my disciples for sure. Then you will experience for yourselves the truth, and the truth will free you." John 8:32 (MSG)


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